The Japanese culture has many complexities, much of it interwoven around mannerisms and respect. As such, behaviors that are established as a way to show respect are woven into the cultural identity, and many of the traditions carried out in Japan coincide with those values. Of those traditions, one of the things that is done in Japan is gift-giving. Gift-giving is more than just buying gifts for people on birthdays and special holidays, it is a way to show gratitude to those you are indebted to and to show appreciation for those you care about and/or respect. Gifts are brought to houses that are being visited whether its just for a short visit, or if its an overseas visit. Parents will bring snacks or treats over to houses where their children would be visiting for playdates, families would bring omiyage (gifts) over to family member's houses that they have not seen in awhile, and over to people's houses in which they would be residing. Gift-giving serves an important function in Japanese culture as not only a way to show appreciation, but as a way to strengthen and maintain relationships, and in some cases, show closeness or fondness for another.
Another type of gift-giving involves giving gifts to people for the sake of showing appreciation, care, and/or love towards said person. This is called ochugen.
Ochugen is the name for the custom and gift that is given to people that are close to you. Usually the gift giving in done from the first of July until the 15th. People make the rounds and give their gifts to appropriate people. The tradition started during obon when relatives would reunite and exchange gifts with one another, and that exchage became known as ochugen.
Who are the gifts for?
Like aforementioned, the gifts are for those that people may feel indebted to, and people you would like to show your appreciation to. In Japanese, that would be the "osewa ni natteiru hito" or people that have taken care of you. This includes your relatives, your physican, some teachers, superiors, customers, and the like.
What kinds of gifts do you give?
The gifts given range based on familiarity of the person that will receive the gift in relation to the person giving. Some gifts range from 2000Yen (approx.$30) to 30000Yen (approx.$300). Gifts can be almost anything that is consumable, and there are a wide range of fancy looking snacks and sweets available in pre-packaged gift boxes. Most people tend to pick something traditional to their region, as region is closely related to the identity of someone and can make the gift all the more special. General popular gifts are summery foods including somen noodle packages(cold noodles), yokan, and gift fruits (Fruits are top quality and expensive in Japan).
Gifts are usually characterized by their distinct wrapping in paper called noshigami that states 御中元.
Participate in a cultural exchange and join in on the tradition of ochugen! Purchase your ochugen here.