Found in the Aomori Prefecture, Juniko of Shirakami Sanchi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, features a range of beautiful natural sights to enjoy, and it's easy to get lost in the beauty of it all. Juniko, a series of twelve ponds and lakes are accessible through hiking trails, and are a must see to enjoy serene beauty.
Air 1 h 10 min from Haneda to Odate Noshiro Airport.
Taxi 6 min to Takanosu Station
Train 27 min to Higashi Noshiro Station
Train 1 hr 20 min to Juniko Station
Haneda Airport fly to Odate Noshiro Airport
(1hr 10min)
Take taxi to Takanosu Station
Take JR train to Higashi Noshiro Station
Take JR train to Juniko Station
(1hr 20min)
Arrive at Juniko
A little bit far from Juniko, but a recommended stay. Stay in the city and take a drive to see the beautiful lakes at your leisure.