Featured Onsen Accommodations Rankings

Top5 Hotels with Japanese Gardens

Japanese Gardens are considered as one of the symbols of Japanese culture, from where you will know about Japanese aesthetic principles. Stay at a Ryokan with Japanese garden, take a stroll in your Yukata after relaxing in the hot spring, feel the Zen atmosphere in Japan!

3. Senkyoro

We offer PH2.3 "kakenagashi" (supplied with water directly from a fountainhead without any control) hot spring in milky white water. Our inn started in 1870 in the Meiji period. Please come and enjoy Hakone's nature in our beautiful spacious 4500 m² garden. Dinner will be provided in individual dishes one by one in a monthly kaiseki style. Our bath is in a form of "kakenagashi" (supplied with water directly from a fountainhead without any control) milky white water from hot spring source. Natural Hakone mountain water available in all our facilities including water running from the faucet.

From $173 / PER PERSON
1284 Sengokuhara, Hakonemachi, Ashigarashimo-gun

2. Kinosaki Onsen Nishimuraya Honkan

150 years old Nishimuraya promises you elegant atmosphere and warm hospitality. Stately but warm established hotel in Kinosaki Onsen. Beautiful Japanese garden and elegant antique furniture welcome you. Also recommended is seasonal kaiseki cuisine served at the guest room.

From $182 / PER PERSON
469, Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi